Home New York Giants News Making A Case For The Return of JPP

Making A Case For The Return of JPP

by Justin Witmondt

Many reports lingering around have set the message that Jason Pierre-Paul will not be returning to the Giants in 2016. As we all probably know, JPP blew off a good sized portion of his right hand on July 4, 2015. The news spread like the limbs from JPPs hands during his fireworks accident. Although many doubted Jason’s decision-making, he did make many Giants fans happy when he was able to return to football halfway through the Giants season. Although JPP did some positive things this year on the football field, many question whether or not he did enough for the Giants to sign him to another contract.


There is a wide debate on how well JPP truly played during the 2015 season. If you ask me, I would say he played exceptional considering the circumstances. If you ask someone who may only look at the stat sheet, you will get a totally different answer. JPP only recorded 1 sack along with a mere 26 tackles. However, many fans are probably unaware of the fact that Pierre-Paul had the MOST quarterback hurries in the league from when he started playing to the end of the season. That is not just some random stat. A quarterback hurry can be almost as valuable as a sack depending on the scenario. Hurrying the quarterback can force the QB to make a bad throw and potentially throw an interception. Although sometimes the QB is able to find a receiver while being “hurried”, often times the QB will be forced to throw the ball out of bounds which can result in a punt or turnover on downs.

Jason Pierre-Paul recently had a second hand surgery to remove extra flesh that had not been removed. This should allow his hand to become more mobile and fit into a glove allowing him to have a better grasp and control of his right hand. No one will know until next season, but it would not be all that surprising to see JPP return to his once dominant self again.

Now, lets take a look at the situation from Jerry Reese’s perspective…



  • JPP theoretically has one and a half hands making what could be a simple move for a normal defender a difficult move for him
  • If he feels uncomfortable playing on the left side of the line since he may not be able to lean on his right hand, this will limit him and other defenders on the Giants to which side of the ball they will play
  • Looking at a worst case scenario, JPP may not improve from last season and his hand could become more injured as time goes on making him worse and worse



  • JPP is and has always been a leader for the Giants and they already cut there true “leader” a week ago (Jon Beason), so JPP could take on that spot and be a captain.
  • If he is able to make a full return to his old self, he could potentially fix our problems at getting to the quarterback
  • Because of his injury, he probably won’t ask for more than $8-9 million dollars per year
    • He also won’t want more than a 3 year contract due to the fact that if he does return to his old self, he could make way more than $8-9 million dollars per year
      • This is a good thing for the Giants: If JPP is unable to live up to his expectations, the Giants don’t need to have on him for more than 3 years



The Giants will end up letting JPP test the market once the 2016 league year officially begins on March 9. JPP will test the market but come back to Big Blue inking a 3 year deal worth $26 million dollars. The deal will also come with a team option for a fourth year. The fourth year would be worth $10 million dollars if the Giants elected to use the team option.

So, it won’t happen until at least the end of March, but Jason Pierre-Paul WILL be in blue for years to come.


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