Home GM Search Giants GM interviews are completed

Giants GM interviews are completed

by Marco Ceo

The New York Giants have concluded their search for a general manager but the announcement and press conference won’t come until Monday, according to the The New York Post’s Paul Schwartz.

The second round of interviews for their general manager position concluded on Thursday and there will be no need for a third round. The three finalists this week were all given ample opportunity to state their cases in full-day meetings. By Friday, the Giants should have their choice and then the heavy lifting will begin to find their next head coach.

A formal press conference to introduce the new general manager will not happen until Monday, at the earliest, but the work to begin rebuilding a broken franchise begins as soon as the hiring is made official.

The three finalist who made their way to second round of in-person interviews.

After the announcement of GM is made the Giants will focus on their head coaching search.

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