Home New York Giants News Jason Pierre-Paul thankful after returning with G-Men

Jason Pierre-Paul thankful after returning with G-Men

by Marco Ceo

Jason Pierre-Paul thankful after returning with G-Men.

JPP took to instagram to thank all (even Arizona), but his heart was still in New York. Welcome back champ, let’s have a great year!

JPP’s IG link.

I would like to thank each and every organization that reached out to my agent during this process especially the Arizona Cardinals . It was hard to decide, but me and my family decided that it’s best for me to stay in New York, just being in the NFL is a privilege and I am honored. I am truly blessed to be in this position I am in today, thank you! Now with that said I have some unfinished business to take care of in New York!!! Giants FANS! Let’s get to work for the 2016 season because your boy is back and I am not going anywhere! #90PowerCircle

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