Home New York Giants Game Recap Giants Forever Strong

Giants Forever Strong

by Mr. Muse

Forever Strong NYG

Giants Forever Strong

Frankly, I didn’t want to write this. I’m still a little sour over Sunday night’s game. As my Twitter account and Facebook page has countless jabs at how the Philadelphia Eagles are a better team than the Giants. It pains me to have to say, that for one night, they were, if only because they left the game with a win.

Unfortunately, I truly don’t believe that…unfortunately for my Eagles fans. Yes, you won the game. Yes, you have more or less, dominated the Giants by winning 7 of the last 10 games. Yes, the rivalry has resulted in a great deal of dramatic and painful losses for Big Blue Nation…but guess what…one game doesn’t make a season. And least we forget, in the words of Keyshawn “Throw me the damn ball” Johnson, “it’s about winning Super Bowls!” So, I have tons of threads on a kick that fell about a yard shy of a one point victory, but lets all calm down and remember who has exactly what in their trophy case.

Emotionally, I am a little spent. Whenever you try to analyze a win or a loss, you’re told that you’re making excuses. I’m not one for excuses. I give credit where and when it’s do, but I also realize that things are always as cut and dry as they seem. For instance, it was a classic case of the double edge sword. Our great D Team, the terrorizing NASCAR package didn’t register one sack. They actually looked tired in the second half as Shady McCoy and Vick ran all over us. The injury to safety Kenny Phillips was devastating. (It might be time to give Deon Grant a call). The “real” referees are back, but make. I mistake about it…they are rusty and need the preseason just like the players. Last but not least, the second most talented player on the offense didn’t play, Bradshaw just returned after missing a game with an injury, Osi didn’t honor his edge containment, and the D Team didn’t help the secondary once they got tired and warn down.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not one to bite the hand that feeds me, but 3 out of 4 of the final calls were pass interference. (Rusty referees). The first call, probably was pass interference, the second…not so much, but that third call….offensive interference?! What?!! Can’t be. That one call push us to the brink of LT’s range. And, as you all know, we were a yard short. In a game of inches, we were actually three feet, give or take a few, short.

Consistency, going forward is the key. As defending champs, playing .500 ball is unacceptable. It’s past time to play like Champs. From being better conditioned, to executing properly. Every team will give us their absolute best shot. It’s time to be prepared and go after it like we are still hungry. Hungry for a new way of life. As hungry as you would be if you migrated from Lambert, Miss. for a better life in the Windy City. It’s time to be dedicated. Dedicated to your commitment, your brothers, your family. Be Strong! Stay strong! Forever Strong for all that will look to you for strength and encouragement.

You may think its to early for a speech like this, but tomorrow is never promised. Each moment is precious and can last a lifetime. You may believe that it’s only one game and after all, it was just one, but what we are after is excellence. No room for error. The game is just a game….never to be mistaken for anything more than that, but showing that strength can have such a strong presence in the lives of many!

The message is simple…be Giants in all you do…always. Always stay strong and be there for your brother next to you. Tell him, “I got you! You are not in this battle alone. Collectively, our strength will encourage, motivate, and strengthen each other.”

Let it marinate.

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