Home New York Giants News Do the New York Giants re-sign JPP?

Do the New York Giants re-sign JPP?

by tmerritt51

Do the New York Giants re-sign JPP?

With the releases of Rashad Jennings & Victor Cruz The Giants were able to free up $10 million in cap space. Do you think they should use that money to re-sign Jason Pierre-Paul?

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1 comment

Nelson February 16, 2017 - 1:16 am

I think the smartest move for the Giants would be to tag JPP and trade him for 1st and 4th. Let Hankins test the waters and make legit offer for him. If he walks then he is replaceable. If we are good at draft a position it’s DT. Also there’s a few run stuffing DTs available in Fa who will be cheaper options. I think WR, RB and TE can be addressed with the first three picks in the draft . Priority in Free agency for Giants is fixing the OLine. Make Flowers compete for LT with Clady, withworth.
I honestly think Okwara can take it to the next level next year with a full year under his belt and be a full time starter.


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