Eli Manning and Odell Beckham’s Dirty Dancing Super Bowl Commercial
For thirty teams, the Super Bowl isn’t the end of the season – it’s the start of next season. See how one team is preparing for the 2018 season and their touchdowns to come with a little inspiration from the classic film “Dirty Dancing.” Starring Eli Manning and Odell Beckham, Jr., and featuring Landon Collins, Brett Jones, John Jerry, Chad Wheeler, D.J. Fluker, and John Greco.
Hysterical, Just Hysterical.
About The Podcast:
A dedicated New York Giants Podcast with live radio analysis of all topics NYG. Always welcoming callers, comments and questions.
Streaming live Wednesday nights at 10pm EST on the following platforms.
Hosted by:
Bleedbigblue Podcast Crew.
Marco, James, Tim, & Justin.
Our podcast is recorded live taking callers and guest on a weekly basis. We’ve started taking small clips of the podcast and putting them on youtube as well.
The Live Call in number.
(516) 453-9383.
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