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New York Giants Business As Usual

by tmerritt51

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New York Giants Business As Usual.

It has been said the Giants are going out of character making so many moves in free agency but really they are still staying true to themselves.
Five ways Giants usually run the team:
1.     Build through the draft
2.     Keep their own players (if they want the guy to stay on the team it usually happens)
3.     Bring One or Two Big Free Agents
4.     Do not overpay for people because if they make it in New York they will make money in other ways (right Mr. Subway)
5.     Keep their problems and concerns in house.
Proof/ Reasoning
1.     We all knew at the end or probably close to the middle of the season things had to change with this team and the way contracts were set up, they had no choice. One reason for so much activity on the free agent market is they did not have enough players on their team under contract or some of them under contract should not have been. While Giants usually go with building the team through the draft and they have six picks in this draft and there is no way they could change a team around even if they hit home runs with each of those six picks (obviously they are lucky if they are hitting singles with these picks recently).
The draft still will be a key cog in building this team because as you can see from the free agent moves the priority was offensive line and the back end of the defense. So if you want to read the tea leaves it looks like this team is going to try to get weapons of the offense through the draft. Especially since Ben Mcadoo supposed offensive strategy is based around the tight end and the giants do not have one they can be confident in so I would not be surprised if Eric Ebron  te. Unc is the pick.
But we all know the Giants do not draft for need so mattering on who drops to them this pick could be anyone but that is another reason for so much activity because Giants DON’T DRAFT TO FILL NEEDS.
2.     Giants keep players that they want and they are usually right when they do get rid of players. Can you name one player in recent history that was a star for the Giants but they let him leave and he did anything for that next team. (See The Grass Isn’t Always Greener For Ex New York Giants )
They do not overpay for what you did in the past which is not great news for the people that want to live in Super Bowls Past (we will miss you Tuck, Terrel Thomas, not so much you Corey Webster) but this is why Giants will not stay down for long.
Also this shows you how much they think of Antrelle Rolle because even with his high cap number they are keeping him. Jon Beason played great for them they keep him. Truman Mcbride he played well they kept him. Do you see a pattern?
3.     Giants are always good for bringing at least one free agent that people get excited about, granted it does not always work (remember Lavar Arrington). Cullen Jenkins was last year it was a solid move. This year its Dominique Rodgers-Cromartie, which is a little more exciting and Geoff Schwartz because our O-line was bad. All the rest of the moves are not going to break the bank and a lot of one year, prove it deals which is good if people are playing to show people they are worth the money.
4.     I already touched on how they don’t overpay for people so I will use this for the people that are mad about Justin Tuck leaving. Justin Tuck played great this year (hmmmm a contract year) but I have to ask what was he doing for the two years before that. Now I am a Tuck fan but I will remember him fondly for his days as a Giant and love that he help us get Super Bowls but if the person does not leave on their own someone has to make the decision.
Be grateful the Giants have the people in the organization that know when to say when because I will be surprised (and hope I am wrong) if Tuck has more than 5 sacks next year.
5.     The one thing that does not get enough credit around the League is that the Giants keep their problems and what they think in house. Look at the free agent moves, everyone talked about he offensive line and that seems to be a priority but the top priority is revamping this secondary. Giants were obviously not happy with their secondary play but did you hear about that in the press. No. Which is another reason players here want to stay because they are treated with respect.
I will end this article by saying I am Giants fan and have been for many years. They do things a certain way in the offseason which is conservative and aggressive at the same time. They have a plan and continue to stick to their plans that is why they are a world-class organization and will continue to be. Can you remember the last time Giants went into a season with no hope of making the playoffs, I can’t and that is how I like my New York Giants.


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Phil March 26, 2014 - 6:10 pm

Whoever wrote this blog obviously has a shit load of free time. They should spend their time more wisely! Those who “blog” do so because they can’t play!!

tmerritt51 March 26, 2014 - 8:18 pm

lol obviously you are just a hater . what are you an eagles or cowboys fan. what are these issues with the media the giants had. also all of us giants fans know we need a better O. just for clarification i am a guy.

Phil March 26, 2014 - 9:20 pm

This guy obviously has a lot of free time, you should make use of some of it on a vocabulary class. The giants have been going down hill ever since the “hail helmet” Super Bowl catch. Bloggers are usually guys who are still living in their high school glory days as a backup QB and know nothing of actually playing the game!

tmerritt51 March 26, 2014 - 10:54 pm

speaking of free time . its funny how you are talking about my time being wasted while you are commenting on a giants fan page and obviously you are not a fan. Giants won a superbowl after the “hail Helmet’ so i dont think its all been down hill. phil even if you are not. im calling cowboy fan because you sound like a tony romo lover.

Frank July 16, 2014 - 8:07 am

Personally this piece blows. Obviously the dude that writes this blog has no life and I am sure living in his mom’s basement. Ether way until this dude/young kid really takes a look at the NFL and NFC East it is a damn pipe dream the Giants are going to go anywhere. Giants are old has beens. I troll NFL blogging sites a lot and I have to tell you Bleed Blue is one of my favorites but for God Sake this cat needs to blog somewhere else. I heard Disney Kids is looking for a writer.


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