Home Green With Envy That’s saying something

That’s saying something

by Joe Castronovo

NY Jets are green with envyIt seems like every week someone is talking about “this is the REAL test”. Not for nothing, but the Giants have been passing all of these so called tests lately. Two weeks ago, the 9ers were going to be the “big test” that would determine who the Giants really are. That was hard to watch. I’ve seen worse things happen to the team I like, but I had to look away from that 9ers game. So pitiful. Then, the very next week, here comes the Redskins with their “real test” for the Giants. That, I’ll admit, was a fun game to watch and the Giants came out on top once again. So, is next week another “real test”? Is the rematch with the Cowboys going to tell us something we don’t already know, or something the Giants haven’t already proven? Division matches are always tough and the Cowboys are well aware of who they are playing. The Giants really need this divisional win and I don’t think the Cowboys will be able to out play Big Blue.
So fine, the G-Men may have finally passed enough final exams to be taken more seriously by the rest of the league. I’ve said in the past that I don’t see the Giants winning much after the bye week. I’m not ready to eat my words just yet, but the oven is on. The Giants still look very sloppy in some areas. Sure, they routed the 49ers, and yes, they finally got a division win against the Redskins. But! They had a lot of trouble in the red zone in Candlestick and they repaid takeaways with giveaways against the Redskins. The G-Men keep finding a way to win though.
Here at the midpoint of the season, the Giants are looking better than I

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had expected. Their schedule is very back loaded and cake walk is over. The rest of their schedule is full of postseason regulars and division champions. It’s an unenviable position to be in, but I’m not worried about the Giants. From a Jets perspective, the Giants are starting to look an awful lot like the Patriots in the 2000’s. Big Blue has a sturdy defense that doesn’t give up a lot of points, along with an arsenal of a passing game and a decent run. Even their kicker is good. All three phases are tight. In today’s NFL, that is very hard to come by as teams either devote their salary cap to offense or defense. The Giants are a well coached, well managed and smartly owned team. Good for them. This squad has put two Lombardi’s on the shelf and another one or two would solidify them as the dynasty team of the 2010’s. I’m probably getting a little ahead of myself, but I feel like I’ve seen this movie before.

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