Update To NFL Postseason Ticket Invoice Policy
Below is updated postseason ticket invoice policy that was emailed out to season ticket holders on Friday. More information could be found on Giants.com
All 32 NFL teams are now required by new NFL policies to offer their Season Ticket Holders the opportunity, prior to the first regular season game, to reserve tickets for any postseason game they may host in that season.
As a PSL and Season Ticket Holder, your seats for the playoffs are already reserved through your PSL Agreement. As part of these new policies, we will offer PSL Holders preferred pricing. For any home Wild Card playoff game, PSL Holders will be charged no more for each of their seats than the average ticket price of that seat for the 2015 season.
At this time, there is nothing you need to do to opt-in to receive the exclusive Wild Card playoff game pricing. As in prior years, we will send more playoff information as the season progresses, including final pricing for any potential Wild Card, Divisional and/or Championship Game. The Giants will offer PSL Holders the same payment options as in prior years. This includes the Pay-When-We’re-In option where Season Ticket Holders enroll their credit card for payment but are not charged until within 24-48 hours of when it is determined that the Giants will host a home playoff game.
Thank you and please contact the New York Giants Ticket Office at (201) 935-8222 if you have any questions.
Sincerely,New York Giants Ticket Office