Home New York Giants Daily Recap Justin Tuck on JPP

Justin Tuck on JPP

by Marco Ceo

Quick New York Giants Recap for Thursday, May 19th, 2016.

Justin Tuck foresees a big year for JPP & Bobby Hart trimming down in the off season.

Justin Tuck on JPP.

Former New York Giants defensive end Justin Tuck Believe that Jason Pierre Paul will have an awesome year, now that JPP has clear perspective. Tuck spoke to NJ.com

For him it was never a question about athletic ability. He is a freak of nature. He can do just about anything he wants to on the football field. I think his mind is in the right place now. When you have a focused mind added to him as an athlete, it’s going to be scary.

OL Bobby Hart trimming down.

Bobby Hart is making a genuine push for a starting position in this years OL squad. Hart told ESPN’s Dan Graziano, he has trimmed down 25 pounds in off season training.

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