Home Deep Thoughts Deep Football Thoughts Week 7

Deep Football Thoughts Week 7

by James Doino

Deep Thoughts football editionDeep Football Thoughts Week 7

Hello Bleed Big Bluers… Hope all is well as we move towards week 7 in the NFL.

Before we get to my weekly fantasy plays and picks of the week against the spread for week 7,  I’d like to share some Deep Thoughts on a vice that I am sure most of us indulge in;  fantasy football.

I have been playing for over a decade now.  Whether it is a money league, free league, a league with strangers or a league with friends, there is one thing that is sure to be debated in all leagues, TRADES.

No matter what you’re opinion on this touchy subject is I would like to offer you my unique stand point on this matter.  Please apply common sense.

Fantasy owners throughout the land…I give you…


1.  Any team eliminated from playoff contention should be “locked” out and not allowed to make any more moves, period.  Trades…adds…drops…nothing.

2.  Every team owner should be allowed to make any move said owner desires.

I equate a man who “vetos” a trade in fantasy football to the ugly friend at the bar.

Follow me here.

Fellas, you ever been out at a bar or club?  You meet this sexy girl and the physical chemistry between you two is over whelming.  Its in her eyes.  She wants you, you want her.  It’s sexy time.

You make your move…”What you doing after this?  Wanna come back to my place?”

She plays hard to get at first but finally admits she wants to come home with you…and then it happens.

The ugly freind that no one wants to go home with at all.  Not even your wingman can help you.

She annoyingly says something like, “Uh, sorry but she’s coming home with us.  We all came together and we promised that we would all leave together.  Sorry, call her tomorrow.”

What?…This was a done deal. I put in time, effort and bought 5 drinks for this chic.  WTF?

See what I mean.  Trade blockers and cock blockers… one in the same.

Two team owners see each others rosters from across a crowded room.  There is an instant connection…You want his players…he wants yours.  Electricity fills the air.

You negotiate for a week and finally come to an agreement you both are happy with.

You consummate the trade.  It was as good for him as it was for you.

And then some dude comes out of nowhere and says NO… he hits the “veto” button.

See the similiarities?

Run your team.  Not everyone’s elses.  If you are aggressive and love to make trades, awesome, that is your strategy.  If you are not aggressive in making trades that is fine to.  That is how you run your team.  It’s your perogative, but don’t be hating on others for having the balls to pull the trigger on a trade.  Trade envy is ugly.

Also, in reference to the infamous “trade rape”… This is also a scenario where all you can do is shake your head at the player who was hoodwinked.  This again is none of your concern.  The art of negotiation, bluffing, putting out misinformation, asking for a player who you have no chance of acquiring only to settle on the player you really wanted, these are skills.  And these skills should be encouraged in all leagues.

Dont hate the players…hate the game.  The goal of fantasy football is to humiliate and embarrass your friends so you can brag all off season long, and to win.  No holds barred.

When it comes down to it these players are like stocks and the fantasy football world is our stock market.  Buying low and selling high is an art, and just as in real life, some do it better than others.

FANTASY PLAYS OF THE WEEK — last week I researched a lot and my fantasy picks and picks of the week sucked.  I can admit it.  So this week, all gut calls.  Lets Go!!

QB – Nick Foles – Eagles — Foles has played great for 2 weeks and there is no reason to think that will change with a banged up Cowboys team limping into Philly on Sunday.  I look for a big game for the Eagles QB….300+ yards and 2 TDs.

RB – Giovanni Bernard — Bengals — His touches have increased every week and he had 21 touches in week 6.  Benard is a must start this week and should be primed for a huge 2nd half.

RB – Eddie Lacy — Packers — Kid is a beast and with Randall Cobb and James Jones banged up, you can look for Lacy to get fed early and often.  Especially with Joe Haden shadowing Jordy Nelson all day.

WR – Keenan Allen — Chargers —  Allen is playing lights out and should have a lot of chances to make plays against the Jaguars.  Phillip Rivers should light up Jacksonville yardage wise and that means big games for Allen and Vincent Brown as well.

WR — Kenbrell Thompkins — Patriots — GRONK SMASH is back and having him in the game should open things up considerably for the younger Pats wide outs.  Thompkins is getting plenty of targets as is and has shown the ability to make plays.  Gronk coming back makes this kid a must start.

TE – Kyle Rudolph — Vikings — Best game of the year last week and he is playing the Giants.  Nuff said.  But here is one more thing, Josh Freeman is now starting for the Vikings and until he gets used to these wide outs I look for Rudolph to get involved in the reindeer games a lot.

PICKS OF THE WEEK1-3 LAST WEEK — DISGUSTING.  1st week I went under .500 so it’s time to redeem myself –all gut picks here…no rhyme or reason.


Chiefs -6.5 over the Texans —  Chiefs D verse a rookie QB in Kansas City.  Let it ride.

Redskins and Bears OVER 50 — Usually don’t take Over/Unders on here but love this one.  Bears are banged up on D and Skins straight suck on D.  Lots of points here.

Colts +6.5 over the Broncos — I know Peyton is coming home and he is pissed but I just got a feeling this is gonna be closer than people think.  Luck is coming off a poor week against San Diego and the Super Chargers and I think he will be just as fired up as Peyton.  Should be a great game.

Panthers -6 over the Rams — Panthers D is no joke and should have little trouble against Sam Bradford and the Rams pedestrian offense.  Love Cam this week as well.

Eagles -1 over the Cowboys — Philly will be rocking and Cowboys without Murray and Ware may be in the wrong place at the wrong time.


GIANTS -3 over the Vikings — They have to win this week right?  Boomer and Carton are sacrificing a pig to the lift the malocchio (pronounced “maloik”) off our beloved Big Blue.  If this doens’t work I don’t know what will.


Enjoy the games this week people — And look for my “In Reese We Trust?” article on Monday to get us ready for Monday Night Football.

Now enjoy your weekend and go “trade rape” your buddies… I’m going to try to convince this girl to let her friend come home with me!

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Wilson October 20, 2013 - 12:07 pm

You appear to be still shaken, rattled, and rolled from the Coup d’Wilson. Here are the picks of the week:

Chicago Bears -1 at Washington Redskins – Chicago is better on both sides of the ball and its offense will do enough to win the game.

San Diego Chargers @ Jacksonville Jaguars +9.5 – This has it all. Home dog. San Diego coming off a big Monday night win. San Diego having to travel across the country and play at 1pm EST. And don’t forget Justin Blackmon.

Tampa Bay Buccaneers +6 @ Atlanta Falcolns – Atlanta is without Julio Jones and Roddy White. Glennon should be able to generate offense against a poor Atlanta secondary. Dougie Martin is due. They may even win.

Houston Texans @ Kansas City Chiefs (-6.5) – Clearly not an offensive juggernaut KC is still averaging 25+ points a game. Their defense is stifling, giving up less than 11 points a game. Schaub is out for Houston and they are starting a rookie in Arrowhead. This may be a blowout.

Minnesota Vikings (+3.5) @ New York Giants – Everyone and their mother expects the Giants to get this win. I say go with the mental case Freeman.

Last word.

Bleed Big Blue (@Bleedsbigblue) October 20, 2013 - 11:06 pm

I’m worried about Freeman.

Wilson October 20, 2013 - 11:15 pm

Based on my picks so far it looks like the Giants will get their first victory. Your welcome 🙂


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